OK! So now I'm going to make a new blog where I tattle on Andy!!! Fun! HOORAY!
<--- Ok, that's Andy! And right now he is playing a computer game. He just got back from school. He had two exams today -- two humanity classes. He drives a blue Jetta! Connection? Yeah so anyway it's all icy and snow/rainy out there. And he just ate his sandwich.
Where were you at 9am this morning?
"At... on the road."
What did you do when you got to school?
"S.. er... wrote some stuff... an outline for a test."
What did you eat for lunch?
How was the test?
"Not too hard"
What are you doing?
"Playing a game. Of course."
Do you like my new Veggie Tales CD?
"It works... not listening to it though."
What's an inspiring thought for the day?
"I'm stupid."
What are you going to do on your break?
"On my break? A lot of stuff. Write email."
Wow, he's boring... nothing to tattle on him about. Ok, so I'll make it up! But you're not supposed to know that.
Nevermind... no imagination.